I believe staying true to your dreams and doing what you
love are two key factors in a successful business. There are many aspects to
being a businessperson, it is important to do as much research as possible
before diving in headfirst. I have read many articles that offer advice from
entrepreneurs’ and businesspeople that have successfully made it. The following
Entrepreneurs have shared some valuable advice for those up and coming business
Work toward being significant
If you want to have success, you can't make success your
goal. The key is not to worry about being successful, but to instead work
toward being significant—and the success will naturally follow. If you do work
that you love, and work that fulfills you, the rest will come. I truly believe
that the reason I've been able to be so financially successful is because my
focus has never, ever for one minute been money.
Nellie Akalp is the CEO of CorpNet,
a passionate entrepreneur, small business advocate and mother of four. She has
formed more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs across the U.S., building a
strong passion to assist small business owners in starting, running, and
protecting their small businesses the right way.
Don't let them intimidate you out of your dream
1) Work harder than everyone else—I may not be the most
formally educated, the most financially set up, or even the smartest, but I
will give them a run for their money when it comes to ambition and
determination. It's a bit cliché, but I always remember this quote:
"Always go the extra mile, there's a lot less traffic up there." 2)
Every expert was a newbie at one point—don't let them intimidate you out of
your dream. Learn as much as you can, as fast as you can. 3) Ethics do matter—I
don't care what they say about "it's just business," the world comes
full circle. Be competitive, but stay true to your beliefs and principles. It
always comes back around eventually.
Amber Schaub is the Founder and CEO of RuffleButts.com. The company landed at #166 of
the 2012 Inc. 500 list and surpassed $10 Million in total sales that year.
As I continue with my journey after school and work on my business
I will continue to heed the advice from the experts.

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